About Martin Porter Associates

Martin Porter’s ideas have launched new media properties, built markets and exceeded all sales and marketing goals for over 35 years. His company, Martin Porter Associates, builds new markets in: – Sports Technology – Digital Media & Entertainment – Consumer Electronics “It takes new concepts to reach new customers and build new markets,” Porter says. […]

Charting a New Course for Content Through Pirate Waters

The entertainment industry’s treasure — its content — is being plundered by pirates of all forms. In today’s digital world, we are under siege by organized crime, anonymous hackers, recalcitrant cyberlockers, and even our own customers.

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Martin Porter’s Linkedin Profile

MPA Mission Statement

Mission: Generate one good idea every day. Execute only the best ones, in the best ways, for the best people.

Who’s Martin Porter (and Should You Care?)

Martin Porter is a writer Back in the eighties, he was working out of his apartment in Brooklyn Heights, making a living generating articles for GQ, Premiere, Rolling Stone, PC Magazine, and others. His Simon & Schuster book on home video was selling nicely too. But he wanted to get out of the house. So […]